
Vzla Ltd

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Vzla Ltd

Succession Planning

Succession Planning - passing the baton
To Hire Leaders from Within, or to bring in Outside Leaders? That is the Question During these times ... read more
Next Leader - Passing the baton
The recent Great Recession caused companies to cut a lot of middle management jobs. The cuts were viewed ... read more
Retention up 83%
Want excellent customer service? - start by recruiting the right staff. It was 1990 and BP and the Australian Commonwealth Employment Service (CES, now Centrelink) had a problem ... read more
Strategic Employee Onboarding
The first 90 days of a new hire are critical because they can determine whether the person stays in the job and is productive and successful, leaves the job dissatisfied, or is terminated for poor performance. ... read more
How to improve Employee Engagement
The importance of Employee Engagement has become incredibly apparent in this era of remote working but it remains one of the more misunderstood concepts in business. .. read more
How to Identify Transferable Job Skills
Before the pandemic, people experienced work in a completely different way. Specifically, remote and hybrid work models were ... read more
Transforming Employee Engagement: Aligning Employee Aspirations with Corporate Objectives
The last few years have brought various degrees of change for every type of business, including the growth of remote-work Imagine a workplace where you consistently kindle the fire of employee engagement, where your workforce is as fervently dedicated to your organization's success as to their own personal pursuits.options more

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